What we do

What to Expect Working With Our Google Ads Management Agency

We’ll leverage Google Ads platform to put your USP (unique selling proposition) directly in front of your targeted local audience right at the moment they are searching Google in real time for your exact products or services. They search a problem/need, we offer you as the solution.

Initial Consultation

We’ll discuss your target audience, top competitors and campaign goals. We will then roll out a customized strategy unique to your business alone. After we agree on the campaign goals, we will accept payment, we will begin the on-boarding process (24-72 hours) and get to work either building out a new campaign or optimizing existing campaigns.

Custom Landing Pages

Our clients landing pages convert anywhere from 20%-40%+ in most cases. While the industry average is anywhere from 5%-12% (our competitors). Simply put, we’ll send your business more leads and calls. If you do not want a page designed by us, we will help consult any in-house designer you have in the design aspects of what we need for the page at no additional charge.

Extensive Keyword Research

Selecting the right type of ‘high-intent’ keywords for your PPC strategy is an integral part of running an effective Google Ads campaign. Without the right intent keywords (and match types), your campaign will convert low and perform poorly.

Ad Copy Creation & Testing

Ad copy for your PPC ads is a crucial component in making sure the keyword searched, is shown an ad that talks about solving the users problem via our unique selling proposition. They search a problem, we offer the solution.

Contact Form & Call Tracking

Without proper tracking you cannot run a successful Google Ads campaign. We handle all of this for you. We will setup contact form and call conversion tracking. We track forms and calls down to the keyword level so you can see exactly what keywords are driving your campaign inbound leads.

Custom Reporting

Once a week, every Monday you will be emailed a report detailing the past 7 days of AdWords account activity from your campaign. It will also compare your new week to the previous week so you will be able to see campaign progression. 

Campaign Bid Management

This is simple which is hard to understand for us why most companies need all kinds of fancy tools and gizmos to do this. Especially now in 2020 with all the amazing auto bidding strategies that Google is now offering. We will decrease or remove bids on loser keywords and increase the bids on winners. Your campaigns will always be running the most optimal, high converting keywords. A lot of this boils down to the bid strategy chosen.

Weekly Optimizations & Fine Tuning

We will be monitoring your Google Ads campaign performance by analyzing the weekly conversion and click data to make adjustments and tweaks on a regular basis to ensure continued optimal performance / lead flow of the campaign. We can make tweaks on the fly to anything form keywords, ads, devices, ad schedules, ad extensions, negatives and even landing page CTA’s (call to action) whatever we have to do to keep the campaign on track.

Communication Is Our #1 Core Value
Get in touch with us

Schedule a Time to see if we can make a positive impact on your business